Higher Level Educational Consulting, Inc.

Are you ready to go higher?

Post Secondary Planning

Whether you are planning to go to a 2 or 4 year institution, learning a vocation or trade or maybe even entering the military; you need a plan upon graduation from high school. Our consultants can help you formulate a plan that meets your goals and needs.


Life after high school can be challenging if you don't have the right people in your life to advise and lead you along the way. Our consultants love to mentor and advise students to help them not only survive but to thrive in their next steps in life.

Educational & Career Counseling

It's sometimes hard to find your path upon high school graduation. Our consultants focus is to listen and advise you on an educational or career pathway that sets you up for success.

Higher Level Educational Consulting, Inc. is a multifaceted consulting company that customizes post secondary planning and mentoring students to help them reach their highest potential. With over 40 years of combined experience in higher education, access, and diversity, equity, and inclusion experience; HLEC is there for every step of the way.